No sé si a vosotras os pasará, pero a mí os garantizo que mucho! A menudo cuando las prendas que me compro de manera más espontánea, sin mucho pensar y un poco por casualidad son al final las que más utilizo.
Vale que con este vestido lo tenía realmente fácil, su tejido es la comodidad en persona, y me gusta muchísimo que, pese a toda esa comodidad, la silueta hace que no se pierda ni una gota de feminidad, y eso como bien sabéis me gusta muchísimo.
Como cada invierno el print de leopardo nos acompaña, y en esta ocasión he querido hacerle un guiño en el look de una manera muy sutil. Este tipo de pañuelitos me encantan, lo mismo te sirven para llevarlos al cuello, en el pelo, que anudados a la muñeca o colgando de un bolso. Me parecen una seña de estilo estupenda.
Converse y biker, que nunca fallan! Como complementos mi nuevo reloj y pulseras de Cluse, además estoy muy contenta porque me han dado un 15% de descuento para toda su web, utilizando el código «CCPETITEROBE15» podéis conseguir los artículos a mejor precio.
Qué os ha parecido?? Muchos besos!!
I don’t know if it will happen to you, but I guarantee you that to me very much! Often when the clothes that I buy more spontaneously, without much thinking and a little by chance are in the end the most used.
It’s worth with this dress was really easy, its fabric is comfort in
person, and I really like that, despite all this comfort, the silhouette
doesn’t miss a drop of femininity, and that as you know I like very much.
As every winter the leopard print accompanies us, and this time I wanted to wink at the look in a very subtle way. This
type of handkerchiefs I love, the same they serve to carry them to the
neck, in the hair, that tie to the wrist or hanging from a bag. I think it’s a great style sign.
Converse and biker, they never fail! As a complement to my new watch and Cluse bracelets, I’m also very
happy because I have been given a 15% discount for the whole web, using
the code «CCPETITEROBE15» you can get the articles at the best price.
What have you found it?? Lots of kisses!!
It’s worth with this dress was really easy, its fabric is comfort in
person, and I really like that, despite all this comfort, the silhouette
doesn’t miss a drop of femininity, and that as you know I like very much.
As every winter the leopard print accompanies us, and this time I wanted to wink at the look in a very subtle way. This
type of handkerchiefs I love, the same they serve to carry them to the
neck, in the hair, that tie to the wrist or hanging from a bag. I think it’s a great style sign.
Converse and biker, they never fail! As a complement to my new watch and Cluse bracelets, I’m also very
happy because I have been given a 15% discount for the whole web, using
the code «CCPETITEROBE15» you can get the articles at the best price.
What have you found it?? Lots of kisses!!
Vestido/Dress: Zara
Pañuelo/Scarf: Zara
Reloj y joyas/Watch and jewell: Cluse aquí/here aquí/here y aquí/here
15% de dto. en toda su web con el código «CCPETITEROBE15»
Biker: Mango old
Bolso/Bag: Carabela Madrid aquí/here
Pendientes/Earrings: Aristocrazy
Deportivas/Sneakers: Converse