Podéis encontrar gorras de mil maneras diferentes: con brillo, mate, de terciopelo, con más bombín, pegadas a la cabeza, con mucha o poca visera,… en fin, en la variedad está el gusto. A mí me parecen un complemento muy bonito, que le da un rollo muy pícaro a los looks, algo como muy divertido y me declaro muy fan de esta tendencia. De hecho, la gorra que llevo en este look, un poquito oversize, la tengo desde hace unos cinco años o más, pero si os gusta podréis encontrar réplicas en la mayoría de las tiendas. Si no encontráis nada me podéis escribir, y os ayudo a encontrar una.
Jeans y unos botines rojos, recordad que os contaba en el post del pasado viernes que el rojo es uno de los colores de la temporada, y lista! Os ha gustado este look arriesgado??
Muchos besos!!
even on the street and we like almost everyone in general, that we are
not shocking and that, ultimately, much of the population would dare to wear them.
then we have a red or black line, of the color you want, where all the
trends are very high in each season, but are no longer suitable for the
taste of so many people. Usually
they are very fashions very showy, a little extreme and with which it
is better to be careful, because combined in the wrong way can shatter
the style. So summarizing, that is said to either love it or hate it.
For in this last category are for this fall/winter 2017 caps and hair.
can find caps in a thousand different ways: with shine, matt, velvet,
with more bowler hat, glued to the head, with much or little visor,…
anyway, in the variety is the taste. To
me they seem a very nice complement, which gives a very naughty roll to
the looks, something like very funny and I declare myself very fan of
this trend. In
fact, the cap I wear in this look, a little oversize, I have it for
about five years or more, but if you like you can find replicas in most
stores. If you cann’t find anything you can write me, and I’ll help you find one.
Clothes with (much) hair are another must of the season. Both coats full of hair (and the more colorful the better), as overlaps of hair in more ordinary clothes. On the front of a sweatshirt like I wear today or, for example, in the pocket of a t-shirt. As I tell you, more and more brands that give up using furs, and resort to synthetic hair in their collections. The latest addition to this trend has been Gucci, which from its next
spring/summer collection will only use synthetic skins in their
and some red boots, remember that I told you in the last friday’s post that red is one of the colors of the season, and ready! Do you like this risky look??
Lots of kisses!!
Sudadera/Sweater: Shein aquí/here
Jeans: Zara old
Botines/Booties: Zara old
Gorra/Cap: H&M old