Última entrega de mis artículos con ideas low cost para ceremonias en Otoño. Hoy volvemos con un vestido largo, en esta ocasión muy llamativo y a mi modo de ver ideal para esta estación, y ahora os cuento por qué.
Genéricamente me parece perfecto porque al venir del verano nuestra piel aún conserva un tono dorado que hace que la viveza de los colores del vestido se realce aún más, por ese motivo lo encuentro más adecuado para Otoño que para primavera. Y, centrándonos en el Otoño 2017, es perfecto por su estampado de maxi flores.
Me parece un vestido que ofrece muchas posibilidad, pues acepta tanto un aire más desenfadado con unas sandalais más gruesas o de cuña, estilo a lo que os enseño yo hoy, pero al mismo tiempo con unas sandalias super finas de tacón de aguja y un recogido tendríamos un outfit de lo más sofisticado.
Lo mejor de todo? Como siempre el precio, con este vais a alucinar! En la parte inferior del post os dejo los links. Qué os ha parecido??
Muchos besos y feliz finde!!
Last delivery of my items with low cost ideas for autumn ceremonies. Today we return with a long dress, this time very striking and in my
way of looking ideal for this season, and now I tell you why.Generically
it seems perfect to me because when summer ends our skin still retains
a golden hue that makes the vividness of the colors of the dress even
more noticeable, which is why I find it more appropriate for Autumn than
for spring. And, focusing on the Fall 2017, is perfect for its print of maxi flowers.It
seems to me a dress that offers many possibilities, because it accepts
so much a more casual air with thicker sandals or wedges, style to which I show you today, but at the same time with super fine sandals of heel
of needle and a collected we would have an outfit of the most sophisticated.
way of looking ideal for this season, and now I tell you why.Generically
it seems perfect to me because when summer ends our skin still retains
a golden hue that makes the vividness of the colors of the dress even
more noticeable, which is why I find it more appropriate for Autumn than
for spring. And, focusing on the Fall 2017, is perfect for its print of maxi flowers.It
seems to me a dress that offers many possibilities, because it accepts
so much a more casual air with thicker sandals or wedges, style to which I show you today, but at the same time with super fine sandals of heel
of needle and a collected we would have an outfit of the most sophisticated.
The best of all? As always the price, with this you are going to go crazy! At the bottom of the post I leave the links. What do you think??Lots of kisses and happy weekend!!@CCPetiteRobe