El motivo creo que es un poco porque es mucho más práctico. En general no me compro ropa con la que no me sienta cómoda, porque se que si lo hago se quedará muerta de risa en el armario, entonces partiendo de esa base lo único que me puede arruinar esa comodidad es un día de lluvia (el frío se tapa, y todos tan contentos), ahí tenemo la explicación de mi argumento.
Entenderéis ahora otro de los motivos por los que me encanta el verano y el sol (a parte de para tomarlo jaja). En el look de hoy os presento un look playero especial, es decir, como con prendas aparentemente muy playeras se puede conseguir un look arreglado. Tenemos un vestido de flores off shoulder, unas palas y una cestita de rafia, si cerráis los ojos y os lo imagináis estoy segura de que la mayoría terminaréis en la playa, pero como siempre son los pequeños detalles y la combinación final lo que convierten este look en urbanita.
Si os gusta el bolsito MUY ATENTAS esta noche a mi instagram @CCPetiteRobe y hasta aquí puedo leer!!
new clothes, collections,… but on a personal level, what it’s to wear those looks I do or even have more groundbreaking or different
ideas, I really like it more do it when there are days with sun.
The reason I think it’s a bit because it’s much more practical. In
general, I don’t buy clothes that I don’t feel comfortable with,
because I know that if I do it, she will be left laughing in the closet,
so starting from that base, the only thing that can ruin that comfort
is a rainy day (the cold it covers itself, and all so happy), there I have the explanation of my argument.
Understand now another reason why I love the summer and the sun (apart from to take it haha). In today’s look I present a special beach look, that is, as with apparently very beachwear you can get a fixed look. We
have a flower dress off shoulder, a shovels and a raffia basket, if you
close your eyes and you imagine it I’m sure most will end up on the
beach, but as always it’s the small details and the final combination
that make this look at urbanite.
The dress despite its shape, long and patterned, acquires great relevance for its fabric. It
has weight and texture, it is not the typical mini dress that bends in
less than a fist and that we usually take to the beach.
sandals have a special charm, despite their shape they have a very
original design, created in a kind of raffia too, which gives them a
touch of differentiation.
the little bag is not the typical and handy raffia bag (what an eye, I
have them and I love them, but as we continue at this rate in three
years we will have caught them mania), but thanks to their shape and
especially to their size has a point of novelty that makes it more cosmopolitan, more to dress.
And this is the final result! A 100% recommended look for a hot day! Believe me, he saved me totally!
If you like the bag BE AWARE tonight to my instagram @CCPetiteRobe and so far I can read!
Lots of kisses!!!