Sólo con ver estas fotografías y pensar en contaros cómo fue el pasado finde me pongo feliz.
Me encanta Disneyland Paris, creo firmemente que es uno de los lugares más felices y mágicos del planeta, al igual que estoy muy segura de que podré seguir yendo y, por mucho que pasen los años, me seguiré sintiendo una niña feliz.
En mi primera visita al parque, desde entonces he ido algunas más, han pasado unos 20 años, lógicamente muchas cosas han cambiado y he podido comprobar como otras no eran tan grandes o terroríficas como recordaba, también he conocido algunas de las nuevas atracciones y me he quedado con motivos (y ganas) de regresar, como siempre.
Entre este post y el que publicaré la semana que viene voy a tratar de daros algunos consejos básicos que creo que os pueden ser de utilidad a la hora de planear vuestra visita!
Hoy me centraré en contaros cuestiones generales y en el siguiente hablaré de las atracciones.
En primer lugar, dónde está Disneyland Paris? Se encuentra ubicado en la localidad de Marne-la-Vallée, a una media hora en coche de París. Y aquí viene otra gran pregunta, dónde alojarse? Si váis a hacer un viaje combinado, mi opinión es que lo mejor es que cuando visitéis París os alojéis en la ciudad, y cuando vayáis a Disney busquéis un hotel en las inmediaciones del parque. El motivo es, por un lado, que aunque la conexión no sea mala ni la distancia excesiva, estáis perdiendo tiempo y, por otro, fuerzas, porque os aseguro que tanto visitar París como Disney es tan maravilloso como agotador.
Si buscáis con tiempo y a través de plataformas comparadoras de precios podéis encontrar hoteles a un coste razonable en ambos lugares.
En Disney lo más es quedarse en el hotel rosa, el que está dentro del parque, soy una afortunada, porque en mi primera visita con 5 añitos me quedé allí, me acuerdo de muchísimas cosas y la verdad es que fue precioso. Están los muñecos por el hotel, desayunan contigo, la decoración es muy bonita,… y encima estás dentro del parque. La parte negativa es su precio, es el hotel por excelencia de Disney, tiene poca disponibilidad y en los últimos años el precio se ha disparado. Sí que es cierto, si no estoy equivocada, que los hoteles como este o los que están justo a la salida de los parques, que los podéis consultar en la propia web de Disneyland Paris, deben incluir en el precio de la estancia las entradas a los parques, entonces al final todo es ponerse a echar números y tener en cuenta el presupuesto de cada uno.
En nuestro caso nos alojamos en un hotel en una localidad cercana, Montvrain, en coche estábamos a 5 minutos de Disney, así que para ir nunca tuvimos problema, contratábamos un Uber que nos costaba unos 6 euros. El problema vino a la hora de volver, porque el primer día era 14 de julio y el segundo día Francia había ganado el mundial. En coche está muy cerca, pero si tienes que hacer el trayecto andado no te queda más remedio que rodear todo el parque por el exterior (no hay otro camino). Es decir, que después de un día maravilloso y terriblemente agotador en Disney nos tocó caminar 53 minutazos para poder irnos a dormir jaja (ahora me hace mucha gracia, en el momento sólo quería dormirme en la carretera).
Casi todos los hoteles que ofrecen servicios de transfer, a veces gratuitos o con un coste razonable, para llegar al parque.
En cuanto a las entradas, las podéis conseguir en la página oficial, creo que los precios no varían, es decir, en esto no suele haber ofertas. Si sale mejor de precio comprar las entradas para dos o tres días que sólo para uno, además no tienen fecha fija, son como un voucher, las compráis y tienen una validez de un año.
Por si no lo sabéis ahora existen dos parques, el clásico Disneylad Paris y uno más reciente, Disney Studios. En mi opinión compensa visitar ambos, en el Studios hay algunas atracciones nuevas que merecen mucho la pena y son muy divertidas, pero si por algún motivo sólo queréis visitar uno de los dos también venden entradas independientes.
La comida en Disney en general es regulera y nada barata. Hay algunos restaurantes que son de menú o de buffet, pero su precio es más caro, unos 40 euros por persona el más barato. Los «fast foods» ofrecen menús del estilo pizza, pasta, hamburguesa… por unos 15-20 euros (consejo, si no tenéis mucha hambre podéis pedir el menú infantil que cuesta 9 euros).
Por no complicarnos hicimos en el parque todas las comidas, pero al menos para hacer algunas de ellas llevar algunos bocadillos no es para nada una mala idea.
Algo que está muy muy bueno son las galletas, las veréis por todas partes, tienen la carita de mickey (podéis ver una foto aquí) y esas sí que merece la pena comprarlas, al igual que los crépes con Nutella, muy ricos.
Que yo recuerde comimos en el Bella Notte (el restaurante de la Dama y el Vagabundo, que es correcto), el Deli (no me gustó la verdad, la quiche que me pedí estaba medio cruda) y el mexicano (no recuerdo el nombre, está frente al trenecito de la mina y a este si que os recomiendo que no vayáis, sobre todo si estáis acostumbrados a comer comida mexicana de verdad). Justo en la entrada del parque también hay un Planet Hollywood (donde comimos un día y regulin, la verdad), Mc Donalds o un Five Guys (muy buenas las hamburguesas, este sí os lo recomiendo, las patatas para mi gusto quemadas, así que no os las aconsejo, aún así si las pedís que NO sean las grandes, no es broma, nos dieron un vaso grande de bebida y media bolsa de cartón LLENA de patatas fritas. Los batidos están muy buenos).
Mi gran recomendación es que nada más llegar al parque os compréis unas orejas. Yo me compré las clásicas, las de Minnie, y fui muy feliz no quitándomelas en 48h. De alguna manera hace la experiencia más divertida, te sientes más parte de todo el entramado del parque.
Para este primer día elegí este bonito vestido de cerezas de Shein, con toda la premeditación del mundo, porque quería ir cómoda pero también armónica con el parque y las orejas de Minnie que sabía que me iba a comprar jaja, y creo que acerté con mi elección!
En el siguiente post sobre Disney os hablaré sobre las atracciones, espectáculos, fast pass o fotos con los muñecos.
Espero que os guste y sobre todo que os sirva! Si váis a ir escribidme para contármelo y darme mucha envidia!!
Muchos besos!
Just to see these pictures and think about telling them how it was last weekend I am happy.
love Disneyland Paris, I firmly believe that it’s one of the happiest
and most magical places on the planet, just as I am very sure that I can
keep going and, no matter how many years go by, I will continue to feel
my first visit to the park, since then I have gone some more, it has
been 20 years, logically many things have changed and I have seen how
others were not as big or terrifying as I remembered, I have also known
some of the new attractions and I have been left with reasons (and desire) to return, as always.
this post and the one that I will publish next week I will try to give
you some basic tips that I think you can be useful when planning your
Today I will focus on telling you general questions and in the next I will talk about the attractions.
First of all, where is Disneyland Paris? It’s located in the town of Marne-la-Vallée, about half an hour’s drive from Paris. And here comes another great question, where to stay? If
you are going to make a combined trip, my opinion is that the best
thing is that when you visit Paris you stay in the city, and when you go
to Disney you look for a hotel in the vicinity of the park. The
reason is, on the one hand, that although the connection is not bad or
excessive distance, you are losing time and, on the other, strength,
because I assure you that visiting both Paris and Disney is as wonderful
as exhausting. If you search with time and through comparative pricing platforms you can find hotels at a reasonable cost in both places.
Disney the most is to stay at the hotel rose, which is inside the park,
I’m a lucky one, because in my first visit with 5 years old I stayed
there, I remember many things and the truth is that it was beautiful. There
are the dolls around the hotel, they have breakfast with you, the
decoration is very nice,… and above you are inside the park. The
negative part is its price, it’s the hotel par excellence of Disney,
has little availability and in recent years the price has skyrocketed. Yes,
it’s true, if I’m not mistaken, that hotels like this one or those
that are just outside the parks, that you can check them on the Disneyland Paris website, must include the tickets to the price of the
stay the parks, then in the end it’s all about putting on numbers and taking into account the budget of each one.
our case we stayed in a hotel in a nearby town, Montvrain, by car we
were 5 minutes from Disney, so to go we never had a problem, we hired an
Uber that cost us about 6 euros. The problem came when it came back, because the first day was July 14th and the second day France had won the World Cup. By
car it’s very close, but if you have to do the journey, you have no
choice but to go around the park on the outside (there is no other way).
is, after a wonderful and terribly exhausting day at Disney we had to
walk 53 minutes to go to sleep haha (now I am very funny, at the time I
just wanted to sleep on the road).
Almost all the hotels that offer transfer services, sometimes free or at a reasonable cost, to get to the park.
for the tickets, you can get them on the official page, I think the
prices don’t vary, that is, there are usually no offers in this. If
you get better price buy tickets for two or three days than just for
one, also have no fixed date, are like a voucher, buy them and are valid
for one year.
In case you don’t know now there are two parks, the classic Disneyland Paris and a more recent, Disney Studios. In
my opinion it pays to visit both, at the Studios there are some new
attractions that are very worthwhile and are very fun, but if for some
reason you just want to visit one of the two they also sell independent
The food at Disney in general is regulary and nothing cheap. There are some restaurants that are menu or buffet, but its price is more expensive, about 40 euros per person the cheapest. The
«fast foods» offer menus of the style pizza, pasta, hamburger … for
about 15-20 euros (advice, if you are not very hungry you can order the
children’s menu that costs 9 euros).
we didn’t complicate it, we made all the meals in the park, but at
least to make some of them take away some sandwiches is not a bad idea
at all.
that is very very good are the cookies, you will see them everywhere,
they have the little face of mickey (you can see a photo here) and those
are worth buying, like the crèpes with Nutella, very tasty.
love Disneyland Paris, I firmly believe that it’s one of the happiest
and most magical places on the planet, just as I am very sure that I can
keep going and, no matter how many years go by, I will continue to feel
my first visit to the park, since then I have gone some more, it has
been 20 years, logically many things have changed and I have seen how
others were not as big or terrifying as I remembered, I have also known
some of the new attractions and I have been left with reasons (and desire) to return, as always.
this post and the one that I will publish next week I will try to give
you some basic tips that I think you can be useful when planning your
Today I will focus on telling you general questions and in the next I will talk about the attractions.
First of all, where is Disneyland Paris? It’s located in the town of Marne-la-Vallée, about half an hour’s drive from Paris. And here comes another great question, where to stay? If
you are going to make a combined trip, my opinion is that the best
thing is that when you visit Paris you stay in the city, and when you go
to Disney you look for a hotel in the vicinity of the park. The
reason is, on the one hand, that although the connection is not bad or
excessive distance, you are losing time and, on the other, strength,
because I assure you that visiting both Paris and Disney is as wonderful
as exhausting. If you search with time and through comparative pricing platforms you can find hotels at a reasonable cost in both places.
Disney the most is to stay at the hotel rose, which is inside the park,
I’m a lucky one, because in my first visit with 5 years old I stayed
there, I remember many things and the truth is that it was beautiful. There
are the dolls around the hotel, they have breakfast with you, the
decoration is very nice,… and above you are inside the park. The
negative part is its price, it’s the hotel par excellence of Disney,
has little availability and in recent years the price has skyrocketed. Yes,
it’s true, if I’m not mistaken, that hotels like this one or those
that are just outside the parks, that you can check them on the Disneyland Paris website, must include the tickets to the price of the
stay the parks, then in the end it’s all about putting on numbers and taking into account the budget of each one.
our case we stayed in a hotel in a nearby town, Montvrain, by car we
were 5 minutes from Disney, so to go we never had a problem, we hired an
Uber that cost us about 6 euros. The problem came when it came back, because the first day was July 14th and the second day France had won the World Cup. By
car it’s very close, but if you have to do the journey, you have no
choice but to go around the park on the outside (there is no other way).
is, after a wonderful and terribly exhausting day at Disney we had to
walk 53 minutes to go to sleep haha (now I am very funny, at the time I
just wanted to sleep on the road).
Almost all the hotels that offer transfer services, sometimes free or at a reasonable cost, to get to the park.
for the tickets, you can get them on the official page, I think the
prices don’t vary, that is, there are usually no offers in this. If
you get better price buy tickets for two or three days than just for
one, also have no fixed date, are like a voucher, buy them and are valid
for one year.
In case you don’t know now there are two parks, the classic Disneyland Paris and a more recent, Disney Studios. In
my opinion it pays to visit both, at the Studios there are some new
attractions that are very worthwhile and are very fun, but if for some
reason you just want to visit one of the two they also sell independent
The food at Disney in general is regulary and nothing cheap. There are some restaurants that are menu or buffet, but its price is more expensive, about 40 euros per person the cheapest. The
«fast foods» offer menus of the style pizza, pasta, hamburger … for
about 15-20 euros (advice, if you are not very hungry you can order the
children’s menu that costs 9 euros).
we didn’t complicate it, we made all the meals in the park, but at
least to make some of them take away some sandwiches is not a bad idea
at all.
that is very very good are the cookies, you will see them everywhere,
they have the little face of mickey (you can see a photo here) and those
are worth buying, like the crèpes with Nutella, very tasty.
I remember we ate at the Bella Notte (the restaurant of La Dama y el
Vagabundo, which is correct), the Deli (I didn’t like the truth, the
quiche I ordered was half raw) and the Mexican (I don’t remember the
name, is
in front of the little train of the mine and this if I recommend you don’t go, especially if you are used to eating real Mexican food). Right
at the entrance to the park there is also a Planet Hollywood (where we
ate one day and regulin, really), Mc Donalds or Five Guys (very good
hamburgers, this one I recommend, the potatoes for my taste burned, so I
don’t advise them, even if you ask them NOT the big ones, it’s not a
joke, they gave us a big glass of drink and half a cardboard bag full of
chips (the shakes are very good).
My great recommendation is that as soon as you arrive at the park you buy some ears. I bought the classic ones, those of Minnie, and I was very happy not to take them off in 48 hours. In some way it makes the experience more fun, you feel more part of the whole fabric of the park.
this first day I chose this beautiful dress of cherries from Shein,
with all the premeditation of the world, because I wanted to be
comfortable but also harmonious with the park and the ears of Minnie
that I knew I was going to buy haha, and I think I hit with my choice!
In the next post about Disney I will talk about the attractions, shows, fast pass or photos with the dolls. I hope you like it and above all that it serves you! If you go to write me to tell me and give me much envy!
Lots of kisses!