No suelo hacer mucho lo de que combinar zapatos y bolso del mismo color, pero en esta ocasión lo veía bastante apropiado. No quería que destacasen demasiado los complementos por encima del elemento principal del look, la falda.
Sin duda tiene todos los requisitos que uno pueda imaginar para ser la falda «it» de la temporada. El largo es midi, la tela es plisada, y cuenta con estampado floral, lunares, cadenas,… realmente no se le puede pedir más! He querido llevarla con un jersey gordito, estas fotos son anteriores a la ola de frío, y aunque ya empezaba a refrescar lo cierto es que con el jersey en algún momento tuve incluso calor (cosa poco probable ahora mismo jaja). Lo bueno de este tipo de faldas es que también quedan genial con un look totalmente en negro, con medias tupidas y muchas capas para soportar bien el temporal!
Siempre os lo digo, pero me llama mucho la atención como pueden salvarte los zapatos y bolsos en rojo. Cuando me compré estos botines, que fueron mis primeros zapatos en rojo pensé, verás que me los voy a poner tres días. En dos años que tienen no sabría decir cuantas veces me los he puesto y de cuantos apuros me han sacado! Y del bolso qué decir, más de lo mismo!
Llevo collar con la bola del mundo de Happiness Boutique, web que ofrece envíos gratis y programa de recompensas! Con lo que me gusta recorrer el mundo, os creéis que aún no estuviera en mi joyero? Además con el código «ccpetiterobenoire» os hacen un 10% de descuento en pedidos superios a 19 euros realizados antes del 30 de noviembre!!
Muchos besos!!
I don’t usually do much about combining shoes and a bag of the same color, but this time I saw it quite appropriate. I didn’t want the add-ons to stand out too much over the main element of the look, the skirt.
No doubt has all the requirements that one can imagine to be the skirt «it» of the season. The long is midi, the fabric is pleated, and has floral print, polka dots, chains,… you really can’t ask for more! I
wanted to take it with a chubby sweater, these photos are before the
cold wave, and although I was starting to refresh the truth is that with
the sweater at some point I was even hot (unlikely now haha). The good thing about this type of skirts is that they also look great
with a totally black look, with thick socks and many layers to withstand
the storm!
I always tell you, but it catches my attention as you can save your shoes and bags in red. When I bought these boots, which were my first red shoes I thought, you’ll see that I’m going to wear them for three days. In two years I have not know how many times I have wear them and how many troubles have taken me! And of the bag what to say, more of the same!
I wear a world necklace from Happiness Boutique, a website that offers free shipping and a rewards program! With what I like to travel the world, do you think I was not yet in my jeweler? And
with my code «ccpetiterobenoire» you get a 10% discount on purchases over 19 euros made until November 30th!!
No doubt has all the requirements that one can imagine to be the skirt «it» of the season. The long is midi, the fabric is pleated, and has floral print, polka dots, chains,… you really can’t ask for more! I
wanted to take it with a chubby sweater, these photos are before the
cold wave, and although I was starting to refresh the truth is that with
the sweater at some point I was even hot (unlikely now haha). The good thing about this type of skirts is that they also look great
with a totally black look, with thick socks and many layers to withstand
the storm!
I always tell you, but it catches my attention as you can save your shoes and bags in red. When I bought these boots, which were my first red shoes I thought, you’ll see that I’m going to wear them for three days. In two years I have not know how many times I have wear them and how many troubles have taken me! And of the bag what to say, more of the same!
I wear a world necklace from Happiness Boutique, a website that offers free shipping and a rewards program! With what I like to travel the world, do you think I was not yet in my jeweler? And
with my code «ccpetiterobenoire» you get a 10% discount on purchases over 19 euros made until November 30th!!
Lots of kisses!!

Fala/Skirt: Studio 16 by Ary aquí/here
Collar mundo/World necklace: Happiness Boutique aquí/here
Sweater: H&M old
Botines/Booties: Zara old
Bolso/Bag: Gucci