El resultado me encanta! Creo que he conseguido justo el efecto deseado, y tengo la impresión de que el vestido así luce incluso más. La idea de poner una camisa por debajo fue porque lo veo un vestido muy estilo pichi, y porque así podía llevarlo sin pasar nada de frío!
listening to my eternal adviser, and thinking about the latest
combinations designed by the maison Chanel (leaders of the tweed fabric
in the sector), I decided that it would be much more modern, fresh and
fun to combine it with booties of a more rude and military style.
The result I love! I think I have just achieved the desired effect, and I have the impression that the dress looks even more so. The
idea of wearing a shirt underneath was because I see a dress very pichi
style, and because I could wear it without anything cold!
I hope you like it!
Lots of kisses!