Como sabéis soy una adicta a los trajes, me encantan para trabajar, para salir, para ir a eventos… En este caso he elegido este en un rojo apagado, mi intención era combinarlo sin camisa interior, es decir, con la chaqueta abrochada a modo de «camisola», pero el frío no me lo permitió!
Para afinar la cintura elegí una riñonera, el bolso de la temporada! Esta de aquí es de MDS, una web que, a parte de ser una tienda de moda online, funciona también como una suscripción. Si te suscribes a su web, por un precio al mes recibes un número de créditos que puedes intercambiar por prendas de ropa! Super sencillo!!
Espero que os guste, os mando muchos besos!!
In this post part of leaving you some snapshots of the Hannibal Laguna and The Second Skin parades (which would take a piece of each to the closet, I’m telling you, because how wonderful and how much art!), I show you my look for another day of fashion week!
As you know I’m addicted to suits, I love to work, to go out, to go to events… In this case I chose this one in a dull red, my intention was to combine it without an inner shirt, that is, with the jacket fastened as a «camisole», but the cold didn’t allow it!
To sharpen the waist I chose a fanny pack, the bag of the season! This here is from MDS, a website that, apart from being an online fashion store, also works as a subscription. If you subscribe to their website, for a price per month you receive a number of credits that you can exchange for clothes! Super simple!
I hope you like it, I send you lots of kisses!!