Si echo la vista atrás me parece imposible que el verano se haya pasado tan rápido (bueno el «verano», ya se que aún nos queda septiembre), aunque si lo pienso bien, soy consciente de que he sido super afortuanda, he hecho un montón de cosas y he conocido muchísimos sitios, me lo he pasado muy bien y seguro que por eso se me ha pasado el tiempo volando!
If I look back I find it impossible that the summer has passed so quickly (well the «summer», I know that we still have September), although if I think about it, I am aware that I have been super lucky, I have made a a lot of things and I have known many places, I had a great time and I’m sure that’s why my time has flown by!
So we better stick to the new trends, drawing on this I created this look I found. It meets many requirements, total look in black, accessory on the head, fringes, ankle boots… Always what I like most about «back to school» are the fashion novelties so, enjoy!