Y como no podía ser de otra manera, le digo adiós al 2016 haciendo homenaje a una de las tendencias que más se ha hecho notar este año, el terciopelo. Esta joya de color frambuesa la podéis encontrar en la tienda Doré (que os recuerdo acaba de abrir su portal online www.doreboutique.es).
Good morning to all and happy holidays!
Now we are fully immersed in Christmas and 2016 exhausts its last cartridges. Today, as I anticipated the previous week, some of the girls of Beauty Asturias want to propose some ideas of looks to dismiss the year and receive the 2017 as it deserves! At the end of the post you have the looks of my friends and the links to their blogs to see all the styling in full. The best thing about this is that we give you a lot of options for all tastes and types of New Year’s Eve.
The truth is that I, although I stay at home, I am that type of people who like to dress for the occasion. Those who know me know that even if I don’t go to a big party or a party until the next day, I don’t miss the opportunity to wear a nice dress, that’s me! And as it could not be otherwise, I say goodbye to 2016 paying tribute to one of the trends that has been most noticeable this year, the velvet. This jewel of raspberry color can be found in the store Doré (I remind you just opened its online portal www.doreboutique.es).
On the other hand, we must not leave aside the new beginnings, and what better way to start 2017 than with good foot, or better, with good (and very beautiful) shoes. Thanks to them I got to know the shoe shop Molet Shoes (Calle Palacio Valdés 1, Oviedo).
Imagine, I was walking about carelessly when something bright suddenly caught my attention from inside the window, and then I saw them. Grays, greens, garnets, roses, blues,… This model was available in a lot of colors (I, if by myself, I would have them all), just as you are thinking I had to try them on.
To my surprise, apart from finding some impressive shoes, quality and very (very) comfortable, I discovered a type of store not common in Oviedo. Every detail is careful to the millimeter, the decor is exceptional, the treatment wonderful, but besides (and this is, of course, the most important) the shoes… what shoes!!! They work with brands such as Hannibal Laguna, Chie Mihara, Leié, Magrit, Eva & María,… Which translates into unique, different designs, and above all exceptional quality, made in Spain.
At first glance it may seem silly, but really some leather shoes and comfortable at the end of the day will tell us a comfort difficult to find in other models, not to mention its duration. Shoes of this type well cared for can accompany us for many years.
Besides all this, it is a great option for those people who «flee» from the masses. Or put another way, they seek exclusivity, or they just don’t like to wear what everyone carries. From each of their models they only bring a consignment of sizes, or two at the most, so you won’t have to worry about «suffering» the phenomenon of the yellow jacket Zara in shoe version.
For all those who can not wait to gossip, here I leave the website www.moletshoes.com although if you are from Asturias I recommend you go in person to see the shop, really worth it!
As a «special guest» I leave the feet of my friend Vane in the last of my photos, I love how my shoes look also in pants!
And so far the post today girls! And you, what are you looking for in shoes?
Many kisses! @CCPetiteRobe
Normal jaja ¡como para no llamar tu atención! son preciosos, me encanta el tacón brilli brilli pero cuadrado no sé parecen super cómodos. Y el vestido te queda como un guante es muy pero que muy elegante.
Un placer participar en esta colaboración con vosotras y espero conocerte algun día en persona,
FELIZ 2017
!!!!! Hacías una pregunta, al final de tu ; Vestuario para noche vieja … qué esperas de unos zapatos ? Comodidad y exclusivadad ### Estas hecha un " Pivon " feliz Año ????❤️️✨??????
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