Empezamos semana… en la playa! Se os ocurre una forma mejor?
Parece que poco a poco la primavera se va abriendo camino, y eso significa que podemos seguir introduciendo tendencias en nuestro armario: cortes en las mangas, aberturas en la espalda, camisetas cortas, mis pantalones devorados por un tigre… jaja.
A mucha gente no le gustan los pantalones rotos, y estos menos, aunque hay que reconocer que hay otros que están mucho más rotos, yo los sigo viendo en un punto medio, qué os parece a vosotras?
Mis converse parecen nuevas, reconozco que pedían lavadora a gritos jaja. Qué os parece el look?
Muchos besos!!!
We started week… on the beach! Do you imagine a better way?
It seems that little by little spring is opening the way, and that means we can continue to introduce trends in our closet: cuts in the sleeves, openings in the back, short shirts, my pants devoured by a tiger… haha.
Many people don’t like broken pants, and these less, although you have to recognize that there are others that are much more broken, I still see them in a middle point, what do you think about it?
My converse looks new, I recognize that they asked for a washing machine shout haha. What do you think about the look?
My converse looks new, I recognize that they asked for a washing machine shout haha. What do you think about the look?
Lots of kisses!!!
Jeans: Pull and Bear old
Sneakers/Deportivas: Converse
Me ha enamorado la blusa, es chulisima!!
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