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Muchos besos!!!
Red, full color and with more red, this is how it goes this season.
The garments where you will most see this tone will be: costumes, feathers and dresses. I have opted for this beautiful dress to give you a new idea super low cost for the ceremonies of this season.
I really like the «nude» (or bare skin) effect you have thanks to its lining and die cut details.
Complements in black and gold jewelry, with them I get a very Italian point, a little wink to D&G.
What do you think? Do you like the bare skin effect or do you see it excessive? Tell me!!
At the bottom you can see all the links, and don’t hesitate following me in instagram @CCPetiteRobe
Lots of kisses!!!
Es precioso el vestido!?
Besitos guapa!
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