Desde hace muchos años las mujeres utilizan chales o echarpes para cubrirse. El origen de esta prenda, inicialmente denominada sjal, no era más que un trozo de tela muy grande con el que los hombres se cubrían por completo, cabeza incluida.
Como casi todo en el mundo de la moda comenzó como una necesidad, una prenda para cubrirse del frio, y terminó por convertirse en un elemento simplemente hornamental. Es cierto que aun muchas mujeres recurren a ellos en determinados eventos, como bodas, cuando un abrigo resulta excesivo pero ir a cuerpo tampoco lo ven una opción muy acertada.
Desde hace unos años las maxi bufandas, que algunas llegan a parecer auténticas mantas, son una prenda estrella en las colecciones de invierno. Yo normalmente las solía vestir cuando hacía muchísimo frio e incluso los abrigos se me quedaban cortos. Pero el otro día decidí probar a darle ese uso originario y llevarlo a modo de prenda de abrigo, y estoy super contenta con el resultado!
Me parece que le da un aire muy sofisticado al look y estuve super cómoda y calentita todo el día.
He optado por probar a mezclar tres estampados étnicos muy diferentes entre sí, pero que creo que casan estupendamente. Botas over the knee y lista!
Espero que os guste! Muchos besos!!
For many years women have used shawls or scarves to cover themselves. The origin of this garment, initially called sjal, was no more than a
piece of very large cloth with which men covered themselves completely,
head included.
almost everything in the world of fashion began as a necessity, a
garment to cover the cold, and ended up becoming a simply hornamental
element. It ‘s true that even many women resort to them in certain events, such
as weddings, when a coat is excessive but going to the body does not
see it as a very successful option either.
a few years the maxi scarves, which some have come to look like
authentic blankets, are a star item in the winter collections. I usually used to dress them when it was very cold and even the coats fell short. But the other day I decided to try to give it that original use and
wear it as a warm garment, and I’m very happy with the result!
I think it gave a very sophisticated look to the look and I was super comfortable and warm all day.
I have chosen to try to mix three ethnic patterns very different from each other, but I think they marry very well. Boots over the knee and list!
piece of very large cloth with which men covered themselves completely,
head included.
almost everything in the world of fashion began as a necessity, a
garment to cover the cold, and ended up becoming a simply hornamental
element. It ‘s true that even many women resort to them in certain events, such
as weddings, when a coat is excessive but going to the body does not
see it as a very successful option either.
a few years the maxi scarves, which some have come to look like
authentic blankets, are a star item in the winter collections. I usually used to dress them when it was very cold and even the coats fell short. But the other day I decided to try to give it that original use and
wear it as a warm garment, and I’m very happy with the result!
I think it gave a very sophisticated look to the look and I was super comfortable and warm all day.
I have chosen to try to mix three ethnic patterns very different from each other, but I think they marry very well. Boots over the knee and list!
I hope you like it! Lots of kisses!!
Pañuelo/Scarf: Surkana aquí/here
Clutch: Surkana aquí/here
Falda/Skirt: Zara aquí/here
Body: Zara aquí/here
Botas/Boots: Zara old
Hola guapa!
Me encanta el look, a mi me gusta muchísimo mezclar estampados, y los dos etnicos que has mezclado quedan ideales, lo que me ha encantado de este look es esa camisa o body, la necesito 😉
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